January 14-15-16, 2025 2025 Missouri Mine Safety and Health Conference
Margaritaville Lake Resort, Osage Beach, Mo.
By Clicking Register Now, You Can Register for the Following:
Conference: Registration fee paid by December 31, 2024 will be $275 per person ($300 if paid from January 1-13, $325 on site or paid after the conference). Return this form by December 31st to help us make proper conference arrangements. Registrations will be accepted later than December 31st, but your early reservations will help us make proper conference arrangements. Please honor our request to include payment with this registration form. Emergency cancellations will be accepted and registration fees refunded if we are notified by January 5th, 2025.
We have a total of 47 Exhibitor tables available. Cost is $450.00 per exhibit booth, with two booths maximum.
Spouse (or Significant Other) Meals: $25.00 Each for Breakfast on Thursday and Friday, and $30.00 for Lunch on Thursday.

Mo. Mine Safety and Health Conference
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1725, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone 573-635-0208 — Fax 573-634-8006